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It has been forever since I have even thought about this blog. The other day my mom said that I needed to update. Well, I guess it is time!!!Where to begin: Caitlyn started her spring break in Pensacola, with Garrett and his family. On Tuesday, I left PTC with Joyce Stillwell and Ashley and Rachel and we headed to Destin. Cait's boyfriends mom drove her to Destin from Pensacola and our mini vacation began. We stayed at Destin Pointe in a cute little condo that overlooked the Gulf.
The weather was gorgeous, a little chili the first day, with some wind, but we were able to hit the beach and start relaxing. Some of the other kids the girls hang with where staying in the same neighborhood so of course they were happy and ready to have fun. We pretty much hung at the beach, cooked out, went out to eat seafood one night, the girls rented bikes for a day and rode all over the place, and OF COURSE, we hit the outlets and shopped til we dropped ran out of money. We hung a little while on Saturday an then headed back to PTC so that we could spend Easter with our families. Before I post this however, I have to tell you the highlight of the trip. One evening all the kids were hanging by the pool and hot tub. While in the hot tub Caitlyn of course was texting, imagine that, I'm sure to Garrett, (you have to realize they now have been apart for what maybe 2 days) and due to the fact that her fingers were wet, her phone decided to well, act up. Now Caitlyn can't be without a phone and of course wanted me to drop everything and immediately take her to Verizon to get a new phone. Well of course being the wonderful mom I am I told h
er just get in the car and I will get you whatever you want NO way. So the girls decide to put her phone in the oven on 150 for about 30 min. Cait, not knowing the oven, did so and after about 10 minutes Joyce smelled something and of course looked at the oven, which is now on 350. Needless to say, Cait's phone has now pretty much melted away.
I thought I was going to have to find a counselor for her to see in Destin. About 30 minutes later she decided to try putting the battery back on, (yes, she did at least take it off before she baked it) and guess what, yup, the phone worked like a charm, except for the camera, but who cares. She could at least converse with Garrett, and that kept us happy. And afterall Caitlyn has always said she wanted a GHETTO phone, and she got just that. I will have to post a picture of her Ghetto phone. Check back later for that.The day after returning from Destin was Easter. We had a wonderful day. We spent the day at my parents. Karen and Bill where there less Amanda and Matt and his family and David's girlfriend join us too. Tara and Chris were there with all three of there kids and Rick and Beth were there with Kelly and Blake. Cole, Natalie, Bryan and Caitlyn were with us as well as Cait's boyfriend. We ate ALOT and as usual spent great family time together. It is always fun when our crew gathers together. I, like a dummie, left my camera home. Dang!!!Well this one needs to get posted.God Bless.